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About Me

Hi Friend!

You are here! You have no idea how happy that makes me. My name is Tina and I am the creator and the brains behind Apéro Foodie. This is a page for you to learn everything I know about social food, appetizers, charcuterie, and anything else I can think to put on here. I started my company Apéro Boards after deciding I wanted to start teaching people how to make charcuterie. Then I thought, “Ohhhh I made this one time and it was amazing!” and it was always met with, “I would love that recipe!”. So here it is friend. A food blog with all my secrets and recipes. Plus, we talk about kitchen things, like equipment, kitchen must haves, techniques, and more!

Who am I?

Tina, Constantine, Cassian, Nathan

A little peak into who I am. That’s me over there! I am the mom to two of the cutest little boys you’ve ever seen named Constantine and Cassian, the wife to a man named Nathan and you may see all of these cuties on the page from time to time. I have always loved food and thought of pursuing an education and career in it but as an Egyptian girl, the only career choices I truly had was Doctor, Pharmacist, Engineer, and Lawyer. So, I went into Human Resources because I am just one big rebel who lives life on. the. edge. Obviously that’s a lie. But here I am! Using this blog to allow my passion to shine and as an amazing creative outlet.

How should we start this beautiful relationship? Firstly, drop me a note and say “hi!” and tell me what you’d like to see on this food blog. I promise I will always try to make it fun, easy, informative, and fun. Did I say that already? Secondly, follow me on Instagram and Tiktok to engage with me! I can’t wait to hang out with you!

Thank you for being here, friend. You are already so special to me.

xoxo Tina

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